For Auto Logistic Solutions Ltd to address the needs of Vulnerable Consumers we first need to be able to identify them, there are many risk factors involved including bereavement, illiteracy, illness, disability or other impairments which increase the consumer vulnerability.
We are alert to the signs that the person we are talking too may not have the capacity to make an informed decision regarding the implications of the services/agreement that we are making to them. This is an extension of our existing listening skills, adjusting our approval to fit their needs.
The Mental Capacity Act says, that a person is unable to make a specific decision if they cannot understand information about the decision to be made, cannot retain that information in their mind, cannot use or weigh that information as part of the decision-making process or cannot communicate their decision.
Here at Auto Logistic Solution Ltd as part of our Customer Experience we always look out for vulnerable consumers and aim to help and support them by the following: –
- Share information with our Partners regarding the customers current situation.
- Understand the customer needs demonstrating compassion.
- Patient and take time to listen and facilitate a conversation with the customer so that they fully understand.
- Primary Contact A familiar point of contact for the customer ensuring consistency and trust.
- Observe Involve other members of staff that can provide help and support.
- Reward Recognise and praise good practice in relation to vulnerable customers.
- Train make sure all frontline staff are able to deal with vulnerable customers appropriately.
- Simple make the language clear, easy and simple to understand and do not use any industry jargon.